Saturday, May 13, 2017

A New Life

Very long time no post!!! At first I wanted to make posts about my uni life that ended last year. Or about job hunting that I did. But I was too lazy to write anything 😅. Pardon.

Soooo.... In this post I want to announce that now, I have a job! Alhamdulillah. a really decent job that suits my education, in a business that I like, in a company that long I admire. Initially I didn't have much confident, as the competition is really fierce. The acceptance rate is below 1%!!! In my batch, only 7 out of 1000 applicants were accepted. That is crazy!!! But I trust the path that God has destined for me. I hope I can give my best, exceed their expectations, and contribute not only to the company, but also to the society. 😁

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