Showing posts with label Random. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Random. Show all posts

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Looking at the sky

It's hard to be a telecommunication engineer.... Or anything else.

Enjoy your life!

Monday, April 4, 2016

So Hot!

I live in a country where the sun shines so bright. It's very hot and humid throughout the year, no matter in dry or rainy season. And the UV level is crazy, you can see above  that UV index is at a level of extreme!  Some foreigners who come here usually just wear t-shirt and shorts, but we (local people) must having jacket whenever we go out. You can feel your skin burn, even you have darker skin. My friends once had blister skin for riding motorcycle in day without protection.

Always bring your sunscreen!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Can't help to share these beautiful photos of beaches in Bali.... There will always be another days to visit Bali again and again....

The View

I stayed in a hotel near the airport, Holiday Inn Resort Baruna Bali. And I had this beautiful beach view from my room!

Enjoying sunset in.... Mall!

Do you know that Bali has a Shopping Mall that sitting right in the shore? You can reach it by walking along the beach from the famous Kuta beach to the south! That is Discovery Mall.
I had 6 days in Bali, and my seeking for sunset ended here. It was even more beautiful than the sunset I saw in Uluwatu. Of course a beautiful sunset really depends on the weather. This time, it just OK. Ahh.... Love how Bali comforts us with something like this!

Monday, February 22, 2016


I went to Bali for a week on vacation. Saw this statue near the airport.
The sun! The breeze!! Can't wait to explore this island!


Recently I'm aware that I'm allergic to chocolate. Just have to say goodbye to snickers and welcoming soyjoy.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Hello World!

I made 3 posts so far and i haven't introduce myself. Hello again! I'm an engineer student at a national university in Indonesia. Now i'm in 10th semester, which is so tough for me because this must be the last semester in pursuing my undergraduate degree.

I'm currently living in Yogyakarta (Jogja), a nice and colorful city with its vibrant javanese culture. People consider Jogja as the center of javanese culture. It may be true, because here, tradition is well-maintained and still be practiced until now, probably because the kingdom of Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat is still exist and has big influence in the people's life in Jogja. There are also many culture center and culture studies, and many spots where you can find and learn more about javanese culture. It near Solo, another javanese kingdom (it used to be one kingdom, though) another culture center and the place where you can find a true form of javanese language. And it close to some of world heritage like Candi Prambanan and Candi Borobudur. Jogja has many beautiful places like its beaches with white sand and crystal clear water in the south, caves, rocky hills, mountains (especially merapi in the north as its icon and some mountains in surrounding)... everything about nature wonders you can expect. This is the last year of my studies, and it is between happy and sad to leave Jogja.

Why do I make this blog?
Well... previously I had made some blogs, but I kept ruining it. I posted some rubbish posts and recently I regretted it, because i had my profile there. My friends or everybody knowing me in the real life is those who access it and I feel uncomfortable. So I deleted all of my earlier blogs and made a new one, here. Beside, lately I had some uneasiness about my problems and I want to make a whole new life (at least a new place to put my life in virtual).

Why you write in english? Look at your grammar!
I'm a true Indonesian. A pure strain. My parents are javanese, so do my great parents and great great parents. I live in an ordinary Indonesian family who are happy enough living in this land, and never think to live abroad. Until now, I never go to another country, and altough Indonesia has tens of thousand of islands, i just visited three; Java, Bali, and Nusakambangan. Pretty poor, huh?
I want to see different life outside the world i be familiar with, and take lessons from it. Starts from here, i want to make journey to a life  that will expand our view and thinking, so we can developed and be a better person.
I want my blog to be read and to be understand (roughly) by every people in this world, because english is a universal language. I don't usually write in english. Perhaps there are many mistakes in grammar or wrong verb, but I will practice to make my english better. You can freely tell me the mistakes and I will correct it.

That's all, may you enjoy this blog. Thanks!

Who Doesn't Love Ice Cream?

The cold and refreshing ice cream, less cream is better. I prefer those "es potong" than the full creamy cream ice cream that will make your throat uncomfortable and absolutely make you fat. So I chose wall's feast rather than magnum. Okay that's the same company but this is the cheaper version and "more me" version.
Jogja is hotter and hotter nowadays... I want to escape right away and definitely will make my new life in a cooler place!!

Use Your Time Wisely, Please!!

My dad kept telling me not to leave the important thing after unimportant one. But I always do the unimportant thing first. Oh well... You have to be more wise at using time.... Everything that has passed would never come back...

First Post

It's over midnight and I'm not sleeping yet. Many things are spinning in my mind, my thesis' progress almost nothing and I don't know what to present to my professor tomorrow. In the end of month I will be 23 and I'm not graduating yet. What about my thesis? Why am I so slow? Oh my....
I hope tomorrow's gonna be far better. Time to sleep and pause for a while...