Thursday, February 25, 2016

Italian Dinner (Nanamia Pizzeria Jogja)

Today we celebrate one of my friend's birthday at a Italian restaurant in Yogyakarta, Nanamia Pizzeria. We ordered two pizzas, chicken with mushroom and pepperoni. I myself ordered an extra meal, fettuccine Alfredo, because I skipped my lunch and only had corn flakes for breakfast.
Very satisfying meals and my tummy feels happy now!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Review: Elle&Vire Yag Go!

Elle&Vire has always been my favorite yoghurt. Usually I stick to the mixed berries, which is soooo damn good. Perfect creaminess combined with real pieces of fruits.
Today I'm trying the different version, Yag Go. I was attracted by the cute white drop of comical yoghurt. Childish. About the taste, I don't really like it. It's plain like any other yoghurt. I don't know whether it's because of different store I buy, but I found the texture is a bit different with the usual berries flavor. And I expected to find some real fruits, but there was none :(
Will be back to the lovable Elle&Vire mixed berries.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Can't help to share these beautiful photos of beaches in Bali.... There will always be another days to visit Bali again and again....

Bali's Main List

Five destinations that are very essential  to visit in Bali, according to me.

1. Kuta Beach
The icon of Bali, the place where you can sunbathing, playing, or learning how to surf. It's easy to get there because Kuta is very close to Ngurah Rai International Airport. There are many shopping malls, restaurants, and clubs around, making Kuta and Legian the most lively places in Bali during the night. But you can't skip the crowd and trash.

2. Pandawa Beach
A new beach destination in Bali. Surrounded by limestone hill, its beach is amaaaaaaziiing! Waaay better than Kuta. However, the location is quite remote, so you need to rent a bike or call Uber (don't treat it like taxi so local people can't recognize the driver as Uber. People just hate Uber and their kind of).

3. Pura Uluwatu
Perfect place to enjoy sunset while watching Kecak Dance on top of the cliff. It costs 100k rupiah for Indonesian.

4. Tanah Lot
Another icon of Bali. You have to go by morning, so you can cross the island.

5. Danau Beratan
Pura Ulun Danu located in the lakeside of Beratan. It's so iconic, you can find it in the indonesian 50k rupiah! It's quite far from Kuta, about 2 hours riding bike. Be sure to bring your jacket and raincoat, due to its cold and rainy weather. There are several spots in Beratan Lake where you can take some water sports.

Sure, there are soooooo many other beautiful spots in Bali, but i choose my 5 favorite places so you can proudly show off your vacation in Bali to your friends, LOL.

The View

I stayed in a hotel near the airport, Holiday Inn Resort Baruna Bali. And I had this beautiful beach view from my room!

Ayam Betutu (Men Tempeh Bali)

It is relatively hard to find a local restaurant that has halal certification in Bali. During my stay, mostly i eat at hotel or at javanese restaurants. That was one day when I met my friend that work in Denpasar, I tried one local dish named Ayam Betutu. I went with the recommendation of my friend, Ayam Betutu Men Tempeh, just across the Krisna souvenir shop (everyone here know where Krisna is). The most famous restaurant for this dish is Ayam Betutu Gilimanuk, not far from this restaurant. But we eat at Men Tempeh for a better dining atmosphere (but slightly more pricey).

They are using organic chicken (ayam kampung) as the ingredient, so it was safe for me (i'm allergic to the broilers). It was sold in package, about 50k-60k rupiah for a half body of chicken, rice, and plecing (water spinach and bean sprouts with spicy dressing, accompanied with fried peanut and sambal matah). You can choose the fried or saucy version. I found this dish quite tasty, but not so special according to my javanese palate. Nevertheless, you can't leave a place without trying their local cuisine, right?

Enjoying sunset in.... Mall!

Do you know that Bali has a Shopping Mall that sitting right in the shore? You can reach it by walking along the beach from the famous Kuta beach to the south! That is Discovery Mall.
I had 6 days in Bali, and my seeking for sunset ended here. It was even more beautiful than the sunset I saw in Uluwatu. Of course a beautiful sunset really depends on the weather. This time, it just OK. Ahh.... Love how Bali comforts us with something like this!

Monday, February 22, 2016

Terbang Pertama Kali!

Saya nulis ini karena masih hangat di ingatan pertama kali terbang, baru aja bulan lalu saat mau menghadiri pernikahan teman. Sekarang udah 4x terbang, jadi udah lumayan hapal dan bisa sharing. Berhubung waktu pertama kali terbang juga nyari informasi di blog. Hehe.

Terbang itu enak lho! Kemana2 cepet, tiket bisa beli deket2 hari (ga kayak kereta yg cepet banget abis). Lagian kecelakaan di udara itu kecil banget lho, bahkan peluang kita kena accident menuju bandara jauh lebih besar daripada peluang trjadi saat di udara.

Apa aja yg perlu disiapkan? 
Yang jelas tiket dong. Bisa beli di travel agent, website, atau aplikasi. Sekarang udah banyak aplikasi yang menyediakan layanan pembelian tiket pesawat, dan yang biasa saya pakai adalah traveloka. Pilihan pembayarannya banyak, interface nya mudah, dan harganya reasonable. Bisa sekalian pesan hotel juga. Nah, saat beli tiket yang paling penting diingat adalah kode booking. Catet di hape atau dimanapun kita bisa ingat.

Prosedur Saat di Bandara
Kita bisa aja langsung datang ke bandara. Amannya siapin 2 jam di bandara buat ngantri dan segala prosedur administrasi. Buat masuk ke bandara, satpam biasanya nanyain bukti kita udah pesan pesawat, bisa e-ticket atau yang lainnya. Yang gampang sih dicetak, tapi nunjukin di hp juga ga masalah kok.

1. Check In
Setelah masuk bandara, cari maskapai penerbangan yang kita pakai buat check in. Kita bisa ngasih e-ticket atau sebutin aja kode booking nya. Disana juga kita naruh barang bawaan yang dimasukin ke bagasi (kalo ada). Check in ini ditutup 1 jam sebelum berangkat, jadi jangan ke bandara mepet2 ya...

Beberapa maskapai seperti Garuda Indonesia (yang saya pakai) menyediakan website check in yang dibuka 24 jam sebelumnya, jadi mending check in di website deh. Tinggal masukin kode booking sama tanggal berangkat. Bisa sekalian check in rame2 lho, tinggal tambahkan penumpang dan masukin kode booking temen. Keuntungannya kita bisa pilih tempat duduk sendiri, dan menghemat waktu di bandara nya.

2. Security Check
Barang bawaan yang masuk kabin dimasukin ke alat scan, bersama barang2 kayak jaket, jam tangan, hp, sabuk, atau perhiasan. Badan kita masuk ke metal detector dan diperiksa. Habis itu, cari gate yang tertera di boarding pass buat nunggu.

3. Boarding
Kita nunggu pesawatnya siap. Di saat ini, pasang telinga baik2 ya, setiap ada pengumuman harus didengerin. Soalnya ga jarang gate nya tiba2 berubah waktu udah mau dibuka...

4. Masuk Pesawat
Kalo naik garuda, saat masuk pesawat bakal dikasih koran (dari koran lokal sampe berbahasa inggris). Begitu naik pesawat, hiburan di belakang kursi udah bisa dinikmati, tapi masih belum bisa dengerin suaranya. Headset baru bisa dipasang kalo udah take off. Headset diplastikin di kantong belakang kursi, dan colokannya ada di arm rest. Ohya, kursi juga belum bisa diturunin ya kalo belum take off. Di atas pesawat juga nanti dikasih snack gratis dan bisa pilih minuman, jus atau teh/kopi panas.

1. Sering kan kita baca, kalo ga boleh bawa cairan di atas 100ml. Selama ini saya naik penerbangan domestik, bawa minuman sampe berbotol2 boleh kok. Asal dibawa ke kabin. Kayaknya peraturan itu strict buat penerbangan internasional deh.
2. Barang2 tajam atau logam kayak alat cukur, pemotong kuku, dll masukin ke bagasi, soalnya ga boleh masuk kabin.
3. Kalo perjalanan ga lama, mending bawa tas atau koper yang bisa masuk kabin deh. Soalnya nunggu barang bagasi itu lama banget... Atau bawa duffel bag lipat, yang kalo waktu pulang barang bawaannya tambah banyak, bisa masuk kabin, yang lainnya masuk bagasi aja.

Segini aja pengalaman naik pesawat buat yang belum pernah naik sebelumnya, semoga bermanfaat ya... have a safe flight!


I went to Bali for a week on vacation. Saw this statue near the airport.
The sun! The breeze!! Can't wait to explore this island!


Recently I'm aware that I'm allergic to chocolate. Just have to say goodbye to snickers and welcoming soyjoy.