Probably I have not tell you that I switched my primary phone from iPhone SE to Samsung Galaxy Note8 at December last year. But this week I switch back to my old phone. Because... I lost my phone.
I have been taking graduate degree for about three months. Ever since I was a kid, my dream is to continue my study in Europe. But things happened and I must work after graduate from University two years ago. So now I took the graduate degree in Jakarta instead, while working at my current office. I'm now a graduate student in Universitas Indonesia.
I have class in afternoon and night, perfect time for crazy traffic jams inJakarta. So the most efficient way to go to the class is by train. Las Tuesday, my class finished at 19:00 and I went to Manggarai Station. At that time, the station was still full of people going back home after work. I took Bogor lane, one of the most crowded lane in the station.
Probably there were some problems with the trains, so I waited for a long time for the train. People was continue to come and it was getting crowded. Got bored, I opened my phone while listening to the music with my headphone.
The train we were waiting finally came, and I putted my phone into my jeans' pocket. Suddenly, a short man got in front of me, and people around me was scrambling to get into the train. It was very crowded, and all I knew was the music stopped and my phone no longer at my pocket.
I realized that at the time, I was thinking about many things and my mind was not focus. I must aware for everybody around me, especially people beside me. I must focus with all of my belonging, including my phone.
But all of our wealth belong to God, and can be taken at any time. I must get over it.
For work purpose, I must have an android phone. Because it is an emergency, I bought a cheap phone. The best choice is Nokia 3. I bought it for IDR 1.3M (about 100 USD). I choose that because it has good design and NFC for card top up. But it is very slow and the battery is not good. But I must being grateful for what I have. It's not the best phone, but my needs are covered with it.
Be a better person for everything we have.