It has been 3 months! 3 months in my hometown plus another 3 weeks I spent in Jakarta for this Work from Home thing. Next week I will be back to Jakarta, spend two weeks to self quarantine and go back to office in the second week of July.
So much time to think and learn. Especially I learn a lot about investment and self care. We are growing old, we will face the time when our body weaken and our skin loosen. It's important to have good diet and exercise regularly, and take a good care to your skin. Now I have so many products that I want to try and now I spent millions rupiah just for skin care. Now I still finding the right products, so the next months probably I can minimize it to be under 5 products. Cleanser, serum, moisturizer, and sunscreen. I will not instantly be handsome and good looking, but I can feel that my skin supple, bouncy, and it's been a long time since I have acne. My concern is I want to do my rituals (diet, exercise, and skin care) to be my investment for later time.
Another thing is money investment. I know that 2-3 years after I first working, I made bad decisions about spending my money, so that I'm not ready yet to build a new family, even though I used to have so much before. So I started again. I make plans, store my money to some funds and deposits. Stop spending for actual objects that I thought it will be an investment. But the first action is to control our spending behavior and mindset about money. Living minimalist and thinking forward. So in my pension time I will have enough investment to give me worry free money and body that is healthy inside and outside.
So much time to think and learn. Especially I learn a lot about investment and self care. We are growing old, we will face the time when our body weaken and our skin loosen. It's important to have good diet and exercise regularly, and take a good care to your skin. Now I have so many products that I want to try and now I spent millions rupiah just for skin care. Now I still finding the right products, so the next months probably I can minimize it to be under 5 products. Cleanser, serum, moisturizer, and sunscreen. I will not instantly be handsome and good looking, but I can feel that my skin supple, bouncy, and it's been a long time since I have acne. My concern is I want to do my rituals (diet, exercise, and skin care) to be my investment for later time.
Another thing is money investment. I know that 2-3 years after I first working, I made bad decisions about spending my money, so that I'm not ready yet to build a new family, even though I used to have so much before. So I started again. I make plans, store my money to some funds and deposits. Stop spending for actual objects that I thought it will be an investment. But the first action is to control our spending behavior and mindset about money. Living minimalist and thinking forward. So in my pension time I will have enough investment to give me worry free money and body that is healthy inside and outside.